The Ranking System

How it Started

RankMe Soccer was inspired by a concept commonly found in role-playing games a.k.a, RPGs. The concept might sound familiar if you are familiar with RPGs. All RPG games have a different version of the concept but the best way to describe it, is to call it leveling system. The general idea of the leveling system is to have the player grind at a game-play mechanic to level up a skill that is relative to that mechanic. After you've put in the time and practiced enough, you level up and your relative stat improves. Stats are a representation of your proficiency at a skill in a game. After putting in time and work, you can visibly see the improvement in your stats and notice the improvement in game play. This provides a rush. A rush that inspired the creation of RankMe Soccer. Chasing that same feeling of accomplishment and improvement, we hope to use RankMe Soccer as a tool to help inspire people into developing their soccer skills and becoming more healthy by providing the structure for a leveling system.

System Overview

A quick rundown of the entire process
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    Find Us

    As of now we are only operating at one location, Bakersfield. Contact us for the address and come out to get ranked!

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    Get Registered

    All you need is your name and age to register and become a part of the RankMe Soccer Ranked System. No e-mail required! After you're registered you can start completing trials.

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    Get Tested

    Now that you're in the system, you can begin to complete trials and start earning points to increase your rank.

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    View Online

    Once you're in the system and have completed at least one trial, you can view your rank at the rankings section of our website.

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    Train and Improve

    After you've completed all the trials, train and improve your abilities so you can earn even more points when you complete the trials again.

The Score System

The Overall Score is the most important score for a player in the RankMe System. It is RankMe's representation of the player's skill, NOT the players effectiveness to play Soccer. Notice this is an important distinction, as there are players who do not have the best skills but still play phenomenally due to intelligent positioning and other factors that our system does not measure. The Overall score is represented by a series of five elements. The max score alloted for the Overall Score is 100. Of the 100 points each element is given 20 points. See the figure below for details.

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The five elements that represent the Overall Score are Control, Dribbling, Fitness, Passing, and Shooting. Each Element has alloted 20 points and together they form the 100 that is the Overall Score. We've chosen these five elements as we believe that these are the core values of soccer, the very fundamentals. Improving on these skills will allow you to become a more effective player on the pitch.

You might be wondering, "Where is defending?" or "Where is positioning?" We've purposefully left out some important elements of soccer such as positioning, defending, and many other skills. Each for their own reason, but mostly due to the difficulty of acquiring a quantifiable score that accurately represents that players level of skill in it's respective category.

For example, take offensive dribbling or juking into consideration. It is very difficult to come up with a test that could quantify someone's ability and be repeatable for all players. There are to many uncontrollable factors involved in the juking of a player such as the location of the dribbler and defender on the pitch, who is defending and that defenders physical ability, and the inability for the defender to perform consistently for all players. This makes coming up with a accurate test nearly impossible.

In other cases, there are not enough resources or conflicting ideals; Positioning is a good example of this. Positioning can only be tested when playing in a soccer game. And testing positioning is something that is measurable, but the problem comes with the equipment and man power required to record during a game. Not to mention this must be done for all players in the RankMe system. But even if there were unlimited funds, another problem arises. There are many conflicting ideals of where the "right" place to be is at, thus not providing the positioning skill with a consistent rubric for determining a score that can quantify a player's ability.


Each element is further broken down into Standards. Standards are the rubric and rules for each trial. Each Standard has a point value calculated by it's determined worth in actual soccer match. Standard point values under an element must total to the points allotted for each element. So in the image below we are taking the element Fitness and showing the standards underneath. There are five standards under fitness. The 2-mile Run has the most points, because it is more effective in soccer to have stamina than it is to be able to do 100 push-ups or 100 sit-ups. And most importantly all point values of the Standards must be equal to the Element's point total.

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When a player takes a test he is completing a trial. After players complete the trial they are given a score. This score is then graded according to the Standard. Based on how well the player performed they are given an point value toward their Overall Score.

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Now how does the standard compute your score based off your trial? Each Standard is broken into nine different levels. These levels are the basis for how many points of the total allotted to the Standard you score. For example, the 2-mile Standard nine levels are shown below. If you score under the lowest time, then you score the highest amount of points. Based on your performance on each trial you are given a effective value of your skill. The range of skill is designed like this: if you are between 1 and 3 you are a beginner, 3-6 average player, 5-7 semi pro, and 7-9 pro.